- The highlight of the last week was the "hoopla" to come out of Cloudscaling over their Open Cloud Infrastructure announcement and Hoff's response and then Randy Bias' counter-response. Great reading and Randy provides some good background in the last article!
- Want to give OpenStack a spin? Check out this announcement on trystack.org. I plan to give this a spin in the very near future.
- In an interesting turn of events, SunGard is now offering disaster recovery capabilities at their locations from Amazon EC2 instances. Very cool to see SunGard and Amazon team up to do something a little diffferent.
- I found this analysis & summary of Cloud Connect very helpful by Alistair.
- I'm not sure when it was published but this white paper from Enstratus came to my attention on Understanding Enterprise Cloud Management.
- The customers I tend to speak too are just getting started in cloud computing and this article over on HP's website hit home with many of the introductory discussions I've had with customers.
- This article over at the CA blog does a very good job of using the menu/restaurant analogy to explain the concept of a service catalog and the abstraction of complexity.
- Why do we need to abstract the complexity from the users? Ben Kepes has an article on that.
That's it for now. I have some more reading to do later today so you I might pass along some more articles in the future. Thanks for coming by!
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