Monday, January 17, 2011

How Do You Consume Virtualization News?

Quick open question for everyone: How do you consume your virtualization news?  How are you staying on top of the day to day happenings in the virtualization community?

The reason I ask is because I'm always wondering if there are ways to more efficiently consume the "fire hose" that is the virtualization community.  Here are my top ways:

  1. Google Reader - I have RSS feeds for probably a hundred or so feeds (by the way the link to my RSS feed is here). I use Reeder on the iPhone to view Google Reader on the road.
  2. Twitter - I watch Twitter constantly and favorite articles that I want to review later
  3. Instapaper - I don't use it as much as I thought I would but I add articles to Instapaper for reading on the iPhone
  4. VMware Communities Podcast - I listed this one out as a separate item because if you listen to nothing else, listen to this one podcast to stay on top of the industry.
  5. Podcasts (& Stitcher Radio) - Check my Virtualization Podcast Directory.  I listen to as many as I can but I'm always behind.  I used to consume all podcasts through iTunes and direct downloads but more and more I'm using Stitcher Radio to stream podcasts so I can save the download times and bandwidth
There you have it, my top 5 ways to consume the news.  How do you consume your virtualization news?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I use Feed Demon to scan the many RSS feeds that I consume. I click on the links to articles of interest. I also like the ability to mark articles with a star to read later or save for future info.
