Monday, December 3, 2012

Links to Everything CloudStack Collaboration Conference

Lions and Tigers and CloudStack Monkeys Oh My!

This weekend the first ever Apache CloudStack Collaboration Conference was held in Las Vegas!  A HUGE thanks to David Nalley, Karen Vuong & Joe Brockmeier for pulling off such an incredible event!  If you thought the cloud wasn't "real world", take a look below. The content was amazing!

This document is intended to be a living archive of the content from #ccc12.  This is by no means an inclusive list.  If you see a link that I haven't included, please leave me a comment and I will update this article as quickly as I can.  I believe the sessions were recorded and as soon as I get a link I will add it as well.  Thank you!

Keynote Presentations:
Networking Session Presentations:

My apologies ahead of time for any typos and/or botched names. It is very late on a Sunday but felt it was important to get this out as quickly as possible.  Just about everyone listed here is on Twitter so feel free to look them up!  Thank you again for everyone who attended the conference!!


Kelcey Damage said...

Hi, don't forget us:

-Kelcey Damage & Clayton Weise

Aaron Delp said...

Kelcey - Done! (Also probably a record for turning around a comment!)

Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Here are my slides:

- Ben Cherian

Aaron Delp said...

Ben - I have updated the post. Sorry for the delay!

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Can someone find and post Alex Huang's video, "Writing a new plugin for CloudStack" during 2012 CloudStack Collaboration Conference?

Aaron Delp said...

I'll see what I can do to make that happen. Thanks!