Tuesday, August 30, 2011

VMworld Day 1 Wrap Up

Yesterday (I'm writing this early Tuesday morning) was my "free day".  If this was my "free day", the rest of the week is going to be crazy!  After today, my schedule calms down a bit on the job front and I plan to walk the Expo Floor and talk to a bunch of other companies and I'll be reporting back my discussions with them here.  Look for that in the Day 3 and Day 4 wrap ups!

Back to Day 1 - I spent a large portion of my morning hanging out in the blogger's lounge.  If I'm not working the VCE booth this week, look for me in the blogger's lounge.  It was great to see old friends and I was able to crowd source many of the questions from the live Cloudcast (.NET) from some of the super smart folks there.  Here's a few pics of the lounge:

Every VMworld has an "unofficial theme".  By that I mean what area is generating the most interest and buzz at the conference.  This year most of the people I spoke to were interested in Automation & Orchestration.  Everything from PowerCLI, vCO, Tidal & New Scale, Cloupia, etc.  You name it, people were talking about it.  As the VMware product set matures and also becomes more complex, customers are demanding more efficient ways to provision and manage their resources.

I was also fortunate to be invited to a meeting with the Open Stack folks along with Brian Gracely.  We picked their brains about Open Stack and came away with a greater understanding of their product and I was very impressed.  Look for more information on Open Stack in future Cloudcast (.NET) podcasts.

After Open Stack, it was time for the Cloudcast (.NET) live from VMworld.  All I can say it Holy Crap that was fun!  Mike and Chris were awesome and they are some SUPER SMART dudes!  We can't thank them enough for coming on and speaking with us!

My company, VCE, also announced a new product, the FastPath Desktop Virtualization Platform.

I wasn't able to attend the General Session so I won't be able to comment on that (but I should be at the rest of the General Sessions doing live blogs).

After that is was time for the Expo Floor to open up.  The amount of people on the show floor were amazing!  I was working the VCE booth and the interest in our products was overwhelming!  Here's a few pics from the floor:

That's a wrap for Day 1 at VMworld.  My week ramps up from here so come by for future daily wrap up articles!

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